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10th May 2022

8 Breathing Techniques to De-Stress in Life

Breathing exercises help thousands of people to relax, relieve anxiety, and fall asleep. Power breathing is a technique designed for increasing energy, improving concentration, and reducing stress. Guided diaphragmatic breathing has many benefits for people from all walks of life. For best results when practising relaxation breathing exercises, use breathing meditation music to pace your breathing.+

Diaphragmatic breathing is seen as a remedy for stress because it helps people breathe more regularly. Stress can tighten a person’s respiratory muscles, which results in shallow breathing. With diaphragmatic breathing, according to research, the method used activates the parasympathetic nervous system, causing the body to relax and repair itself.

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Breathing exercises help thousands of people to relax, relieve anxiety, and fall asleep. Power breathing is a technique designed for increasing energy, improving concentration, and reducing stress. Guided diaphragmatic breathing has many benefits for people from all walks of life. For best results when practising relaxation breathing exercises, use breathing meditation music to pace your breathing.+

Diaphragmatic breathing is seen as a remedy for stress because it helps people breathe more regularly. Stress can tighten a person’s respiratory muscles, which results in shallow breathing. With diaphragmatic breathing, according to research, the method used activates the parasympathetic nervous system, causing the body to relax and repair itself.

Breathing exercises can be done virtually anywhere. You can perform breathing exercises at your desk, while you’re commuting, or on the couch at home. Some people even combine breathing exercises with working out or playing sports. Practice makes perfect, just like other types of exercise.


1. De-stress

Use diaphragmatic breathing to destress. Allow yourself to sink into the bed or the floor while lying flat on your back to rest both your body and mind. Close your eyes and calmly breathe through your nose, focusing on long, slow breaths. Instead of using tidal breathing, which only uses a third of your lung capacity, make sure to fully inflate your lungs.

Maintain a pleasant slow rhythm while focusing on your inward breath. Try to feel this warmth being pushed down into your centre as you breathe in through your nose.

One way to maintain the optimal breathing rate for relaxation is to use guided diaphragmatic breathing music like Harmonic Breathing to guide your breaths.  This method is helpful in increasing the effectiveness of these exercises and will tune your breathing to be at the optimal rate for relaxation, with a lengthen exhale.


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2. Workout

The golden rule when working out is to ‘exhale on the effort.’ This will give your movements more dynamism, allowing you to perform at a higher level.

For example, when performing a squat exercise, the most difficult part of the movement is lifting from the lowered position. Inhale as you bend your knees to sit into a squat position, and then actively exhale as you contract your thigh and buttock muscles to stand upright. This technique can be used to lift any weight or your own body against gravity; just remember to exhale as you do so.



3. Sport

Power breathing also be a helpful exercise to train your lungs to perform effectively when doing sports. The result is better oxygen supply throughout your body.

Begin by breathing in for two strides and out for two strides as you begin to run. The goal is to get to 3:3 and then 4:4 ratios.

When swimming, keep track of how many breaths it takes you to get from one end of the pool to the other. The goal is to swim the length of the pool in as few breaths as possible. Cycling enthusiasts should try to increase the number of revolutions per breath, especially on uphill stretches.


4. Strengthen

If you want to get more endurance and increase the efficiency of your breathing, you should breathe through the nose. Close your glottis by lifting the back of the tongue to the roof of your mouth and exhaling through the nose.  Pay attention to the sound and sensation of the vibrations produced.


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5. Concentrate better

If you want to be able to concentrate more, consider using an empowering word like ‘overcome’ or ‘achieve’ to help you feel more confident. Take a deep breath in and silently say the word to yourself for the duration of the out-breath.

Acknowledge and respect any additional feelings or thoughts that arise, but then return your attention to repeating your special word to yourself.


6. Cleanse

This exercise can be done in any position and at any time to help expel carbon dioxide and relieve sinus tension. Begin by gently closing your mouth and inhaling deeply, making sure your stomach rises. Then quickly contract the diaphragm and force air out through the nose.

As a result, the inhale should be longer than the exhale. Remember that the nostrils filter the incoming air, so concentrate on the sensation of bringing cleaner, purer air into your system. Repeat a few times more, keeping a steady beat.

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7. Energise

If you want to energise yourself, then here’s what you can do. Sit with your back straight and your spine lengthened. Breathe in and out through your nose, keeping your mouth closed at 2-3 breaths per second. Imagine inflating a tyre with a bicycle pump to help with the process.

You might feel resistance at the base of your neck, as well as in your abdomen and chest, but these respiratory muscles will get stronger over time. To avoid hyperventilation, start by limiting the duration to just 5 seconds, three repetitions, and gradually increase in 5-second increments. This exercise is best done in the mornings, right after waking up.


8. Relieve pain

If you’re in pain, you can perform diaphragmatic breathing with music for breathing meditation to take your focus off the pain. Take a deep breath through your nose while sitting in a comfortable, upright position. Hold for seven counts, then exhale slowly through the mouth for eleven counts and repeat.

As you breathe out, try to expel all the air and notice how your deeper abdominal muscles engage, and your ribs begin to draw down towards your hips at the end of the cycle. Aim to refocus your attention away from recurring thoughts by focusing on the sensation of expanding and emptying your lungs.


Diaphragmatic Breathing: Breathe in the Benefits

Diaphragmatic breathing has plenty of benefits. If you are starting to build the habit, having breathing meditation music can be helpful. Numerous pieces of research indicate that it can help you to sleep better and decrease anxiety. These are very easy to do and don’t need a lot of time.

All you have to do with Harmonic Breathing is breathe slowly and rhythmically following the rising and falling notes in the specially designed music, and your body will relax. Binaural beats and nature sounds will further assist you in relaxing.

Browse our website harmonicbreathing.com to learn more and listen for free. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a free music download and weekly tutorials on how you can use music and breathing exercises to relax and sleep better.

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This is a fantastic idea that will help everyone to actually do breathing exercises. Some people find it hard to keep doing breathing exercises, despite the many proven benefits. Harmonic Breathing makes it interesting, different, easier and even fun!
Dr. Melanie Suettman
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
This is amazing! It was remarkable how quickly my breathing pattern set itself to the music, without having to think about it. I can drop two apps off my phone now and get rid a load of notifications that I haven't meditated for 3 months!

It is truly amazing how great of a track one can produce with just a few drones and some proper - possibly shamanic - knowledge. Finely produced lingering drones seep into your soul one fractal element at a time, nurturing all that's fractured.

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Harmonic Breathing is a music project that aims to make breathing exercises easy and enjoyable through breathing meditation music. The music is designed to help listeners breathe at the ideal rate for relaxation with rising and falling tones based on the latest scientific research. The experience is enhanced with infrasonic bass, binaural beats, and relaxing natural sounds.
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Harmonic Breathing is a music project that aims to make breathing exercises easy and enjoyable through breathing meditation music. The music is designed to help listeners breathe at the ideal rate for relaxation with rising and falling tones based on the latest scientific research. The experience is enhanced with infrasonic bass, binaural beats, and relaxing natural sounds.

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